Easy Lessons Online

We make it easy for even the least experienced student to deliver a good, or even a great, Father of the Bride speech. We know how intimidating it can seem if you are not confident in your skills; and we know how important it is to the bride and the mother of the bride–and, of course, to the father, that the speech is one you can all be proud of.
We help you to both compose a great speech and to deliver it beautifully.
You can literally do this course in just a few minutes a day and get amazing results. What might seem like a mountain to overcome is really just a bunch of small hills you can easily conquer one-by-one.

Eliminate the Stress
You will avoid the awful stress that many fathers go through because we will teach you how to have confidence in your abilities. Though you might not believe you have the skills, our quick, easy-to-follow course will give them to you and, just as important, prove to you that you do possess them. Confidence is one of the greatest advantages you will get from this training, and it is one of the most important attributes for giving a good speech.

You Determine the Pace

This online, automated training course is designed to be followed at whatever pace you are comfortable with. Of course, the more time you give it, the more effective it will be because much of the lesson plan involves exercises–just as going to the gym for two months is better than going for one month.
We suggest that you start the course 60 days before the wedding date to give yourself plenty of time; but most guys should do well with 30 days, or even as little as a week. We suggest you first watch each short (5- to 10-minute) video lesson, then replay it entering any notes you like in the space provided. Then devote 15 minutes or more per day to doing the drills. If you are an experienced speaker (please notice the question about experienced speakers on our FAQ page) just wanting to brush up, even less time might be adequate.

Speech Writers
The best speech writer for you is…
Our team can help you to write a great FoB speech. Although we could write the entire speech for you, we prefer that you be the actual author–with our help, if needed. There are 3 components of a good FoB speech: Sincerity, Content, and Delivery. Sincerity is most important–your speech must be genuine and authentic from you. The two other parts of a great speech are the message (content) and how you present it (delivery). This course will help you with all three.

Live Consultation
Any time you feel you want a live consultation session, whether it is about writing your speech, practicing delivering it, or any other aspect of it, you can request to schedule a session of consulting which we will do with you via online conference call. Many fathers will not need any consulting assistance, others will want one session before the wedding date. Some may feel the need for several. It is up to you!
Please be aware that during peak wedding season we might not be able to give you your first choice of time slots; but we will do our best to work with you as well as possible.